Healthcare jobs

Intenzív betegápoló állás Intenzív gyermek ápolás Idősotthon ápoló állás
Ápoló állás rehab klinikán Kórházi ápoló állás


eduXite, based in the UAE, has been involved in job placement in the healthcare sector in

English- and German-speaking areas for 25 years. The preparatory language trainings

developed by us work successfully in several countries.


We can fully satisfy the needs of our job-seeker candidates from the countries of Central and

Eastern Europe and Asia by involving highly-qualified local partners with international



Our day-to-day activity is made unique by our knowledge of the linguistic and geographical

specificities and our expertise in the healthcare sector.

Our partners

Success stories

Orsi M.

“I cannot be grateful enough for finding you! Thank you for helping me to keep working in

the field that I love so much. I could not even wish for a better hospital than MM Hospital in

Munich. It is wonderful to be working here!”

Gabi T.

“I have received a great deal of help from eduXite. My life has settled down and I’m able to

support my family. I suggest everyone should take this opportunity: eduXite will be there for

you the whole time! Never give up, keep going!”


Edit B.

“I love working and living here and it is not only about the financial aspects! I am grateful to

you for helping me to achieve this. It has been one of the best decisions of my life. I have

already recommended your services to others and I will keep doing so! My sister has also

come abroad with your help, thank you so much!”



eduXite Consulting Ltd.

UAE-115887 Dubai, M02 NBQ Building



Information office:



H-1118 Budapest, Maléter Pál u. 2.

Tel.: +36 20 5051527




A-1010 Wien, Marc Aurel Straße 2/5/31

Tel.: +43 1 5353735
